Collaborative Leadership Program

The essence of the Collaborative Leadership Program is to experience and learn how to create personal alignment as a crucial prerequisite for deep connection with others. First, getting to know yourself and connect to your own strengths. Being fully aligned to yourself. All necessary to create deep and authentic connections with others. Leadership, inviting and creating collaborative growth cultivating extraordinary results.

For your organization?

Collaborative Leadership programs are built in co-creation with the organization. We believe the impact is higher when a program is tailor-made, indeed, when people themselves learn how to cultivate collaborative leadership in their organizations.

If you are interested in creating your own program, that you may want to run yourself in the long run, we are happy to support you. We will work with you as partners and share our experience, insights, theory and proven tools for collaborative leadership.


Every program is tailor-made, using proven building blocks. We build the program on two main perspectives:

  1. Personal Leadership; alignment with your own talents, drives, competencies and your personal mission
  2. Collaboration: alignment with others, connection, values and shared mission

 A program takes 6 to 9 months and consists of a combination of training, intervision, (team)coaching and (guided) reflections.

If you are interested, please contact us at for co-creating and scheduling a program.